bismillahi rahmaani raheem
Here are some tips to help you use the Ramadan Tracker & Planner
Tip #1 - Print double sided
Save on paper by printing double sided. Depending on your specific printer, you can simply select the double sided printing (or 'duplex' or 'print on both sides') setting. Otherwise, print the odd pages first, reload the pages into your printer and then print the even pages (make sure to check how you should load the paper back into your printer- do a test run, if necessary).
Tip #2 - Binding
There are some easy ways to bind the planner pages together:
Staple - you can staple the top left corner however I prefer to put about three evenly-spaced staples along the left side edge, that way I can open and spread the pages like a book.
Hole punch - a hole puncher is another great binding tool, because then you can insert the sheets into a binder or pronged folder.
Glue - this one is not the most durable, but it can work as a temporary solution. Stack all the pages neatly, apply a couple of thin coats of glue on the left edge spine. Place a heavy book or object onto the stack until the glue completely dries.
Tip #3 - Add color
The planner is created in black and white to save your printer's colored ink supply- however, feel free to personalize it by incorporating colors and patterns in other ways:
If you have any other tips, please share with us by tagging @riseandnote on Facebook or Instagram or emailing